EXPRESS is a complete family of UNIX-to-IBM host communications software products offering TN3270 (clients/server), terminal and printer emulation, EHLLAPI, APPN networking, LU 6.2 development tools, and more.

EXPRESS supports the following UNIX platforms:

EXPRESS modules include:

EXPRESS SNA Server is a full-featured implementation of IBM's SNA architecture, providing direct communications between UNIX systems and IBM mainframe or AS/400 systems running over SNA/SDLC, Token-Ring or QLLC. Support for SNA/RJE and LU6.2/APPN are optional.

EXPRESS Integrated Desktop provides terminal emulation for linking UNIX systems with IBM mainframes, AS/400s and TCP/IP host systems in a multi-tasking desktop environment. EXPRESS Integrated Desktop supports 3270, 3179-G, 3287, and 5250 emulation, as well as IND$FILE and EHLLAPI.

EXPRESS TN3270-C provides character-based terminal emulation for linking UNIX systems with IBM hosts or tn servers over TCP/IP.

EXPRESS TN3270-X provides Motif-based terminal emulation for linking UNIX systems with IBM hosts or tn servers over TCP/IP. (Select "Install" for a demo copy of TN3270-X)

EXPRESS LU 6.2 allows UNIX systems to participate fully in IBM's Advanced Peer-to-Peer Communications (APPC) and Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN)

EXPRESS LUA permits a user-written application program to send and receive a wide variety of SNA commands, giving the user full control over the SNA interface.

EXPRESS Network Management API allows a remote node to collect network management information and forward the status to the NetView host. It also can receive commands from NetView and send appropriate responses.

EXPRESS SNA/RJE feature of the SNA Server allows users of UNIX systems to emulate IBM 3776/7 Remote Job Entry (RJE) stations. This is a convenient method for file transfer, job submission and remote printing between UNIX systems and IBM hosts, without requiring any new software on the host system.

EXPRESS IP/LU 6.2 is a software solution that integrates two separate backbone networks: one carrying their SNA traffic, another carrying TCP/IP.

EXPRESS X.25 allows UNIX system users to exchange data with systems residing on worldwide public and private Packet Switched Data Networks (PSDNs).

EXPRESS BSC Communications Server is a powerful communications software product that provides UNIX systems with connectivity to IBM Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) hosts. The 3270 emulation feature of EXPRESS Integrated Desktop provides terminal emulation.

EXPRESS BSC/RJE connectivity software allows users to perform Remote Job Entry (RJE) batch file transfer over IBM Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) networks.

Distribution Manager Client enables UNIX systems to participate in a corporate software distribution network based on IBM's NetView Distribution Manager.

Maintenance Description of standard maintenance, levels of support, and added options.